RISE Collective

Born in collaboration with The John Thompson Legacy Center, & Solitary Gardens, RISE Collective is a womxn-led initiative in collaboration with  the John Thompson Legacy Center (JTLC). We are Resistance, Involvement, Solidarity, Empowerment. Our freedom dream centers a holistic approach to re-entry services, legal strategy, community resources, and artistic healing practices. It is our belief that when we cultivate a network of people who value each other’s humanity, we RISE.  

RISE Collective holds community meetings for our loved ones to share their experience, gain knowledge, develop comradery, and fight against incarceration. We are a collective of people who have expertise and experience in justice-centered work. RISE at the JTLC is a place where the community can come to restore strength, dignity, and cultivate liberatory ideas together. RISE is open to anyone who wants to learn, needs support, and will fight for the freedom of our people. 

RISE Collective is for the Beloved Community and as such is committed to transformative practices that support the needs of all those who are a part of it. 

RISE was founded by Dominique Minor, Nziki Wiltz, Danielle Metz, Kim Robinson, and Grace Bronson. jackie sumell is the Creative Director of JTLC and an active organizer with RISE.

In solidarity, we RISE.

  • R.I.S.E.

    RISE stands for Resistance, Involvement, Solidarity, Empowerment. We are womxn-led and community fed. Our work takes a grassroots approach to dismantling systems of punishment and control. For information on our meeting times email risecollective23@gmail.com

  • You cant save the people if you cant serve the people

    Our freedom dream centers joy as part of a holistic approach to re-entry services, legal strategy, community resources, and artistic healing practices. We work with The John Thompson Legacy Center, The Abolitionist’s Apothecary & Seven Green Goats to provide healing teas, tinctures, salves, love recipes and community care.