thank god for abortion
tGFA Garden.
A particularly special collab, the TGFA Pro-Abortion Garden is a space for us to honor abortion providers. Designed as a healing snapshot of what accessible healthcare could look like this garden began a spiritual process that will be documented, printed and become an offering to abortion providers and people who have abortions. These flower plants and colors were chosen for healing properties and as tribute to Yemaya and Oshun maternal Yoruba deities. Photographs of the garden will be available as a downloadable image intended to beautify waiting room clinics.
Support TGFA
What does abolition & abortion have in common besides an uncanny spelling likeness?! The TGFA mission is to eliminate the criminalizing stigma around abortion one t-shirt, one installation, one party, one rally, one conversation, one soul, one flower at a time.
Basically errythang. Bodily autonomy is antithetical to state sanctioned violence and punishment. Human rights are abortion rights, and the right to a safe, legal abortion is healthcare. To support this work visit Thank God For Abortion. We are so thankful for your and adore you VIVA!! #TGFA
Check out this gorgeous moment with viva & jackie at the MoMA PS1 Book Launch